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HomeBooks in other languagesEnglish BooksKitab Al Shifa English By Qazi Ayaz Malki

Kitab Al Shifa English By Qazi Ayaz Malki

Kitab Al Shifa English

By Qazi Ayaz Malki

The Introduction of the Author

Oh Allah, we ask You to bless Muhammad and his family.

The Imam and the scholar Al-Hafez Abu Al-Fadel lyad Ibn Musa lbn Iyad AJ-Bahsabi, may Allah be pleased with him, said,

All praises are due to Allah, whose Name is unique and is Most High. He solely owns all things, is the Most Dignified, and is the Most Protective. He is the One who is not bound to distance. No one beyond Him should be sought. He is the Apparent but not described or visualized. He is the Innermost but glorified and not demised. His Mercy and Knowledge have encompassed everything. His Bounties have covered all that He created. He has sent a Messenger to them all; their best man from among them, both Arabs and non-Arabs. He (S.A.W.) is the purest among them in regards to lineage, manners, and upbringing.

He (S.A.W.) was the wisest among them, the most lenient and most knowledgeable and understanding. He (S.A.W.) had the strongest faith and determination. He was most merciful to them. Allah (S.W.T.) has cleansed his soul and body. He (S.W.T.) had kept away from him all defects or shame. He (S.W.T.) gave him wisdom and authority. With him. He (S.W.T.) opened blind eyes, enslaved hearts, and deaf ears. Those whom Allah had decreed happiness upon believed in him, they dignified him and supported him. On the other hand, those whom Allah had decreed misery upon belied him and turned their backs to the truth that he (S.A.W.) brought. Allah says in the Quran, n . w (Surah Al-Israa’, verse 72) May Allah shower blessings that keep increasing upon him and his family and companions.

May Allah enlighten my heart and yours with the lights of true faith, and may He ease our ways like he eased the way for his pious servants and honor us like he honored them. He (S.W.T.) allowed those pious people to feel His Companionship. He chose them to know and see the wonders of His creation. They felt the effect of His Powers after he filled their hearts with contentment. They made their goal as one together in attaining Him. They do not see anyone else but Him in both now and in the Hereafter. They are in a state of eternal bliss just by seeing His Beauty and Might. They go back and forth between the effects of His Power and the wonders of His Glory. They live dignified in total surrender to Him and total dependence on Him. Their tongue says, (Surah Al-Ana’am, verse 92)

So you may repeat your question regarding the explanation of the status of the Chosen (S.A.W.) and how much he should be glorified and dignified. You may ask about the verdict on those who do not honor him (S.A.W.) as they should or the verdict on those who come even slightly short in recognizing his high status. Also you demand that I compile for you all what have been said about him (S.A.W.) by our predecessors and scholars, or you may want to see the images and hear the proverbs about him (S.A.W.), but then you should know that you have asked a great deal and that you have put a heavy burden on me. It is like you have asked me to climb a high mountain; a climb that fills my heart with fear because talking about this takes a great deal of knowledge about fundamentals and the wisdom of many chapters. It needs to uncover the ambiguities and details of the knowledge of the facts that are attributed to the Prophet (S.A.W.) or the things that should not be attributed to him. Discussing your question needs knowing about whom the Prophet is and about whom the Messenger is. Knowledge of the message itself is also required, knowledge about love, companionship, and the characteristics of his high ranking with Allah. If one is not guided by good knowledge he would easily fall in the abyss of ignorance; a sharp outlook is needed or else it is easy to slip. You need to put your faith in Allah and count on Him, and I pray to Allah to reward both of usyou for asking and me for answering-and that we get a great reward after we identify his (S.A.W.) great status and reflect on his great morals. His (S.A.W.) character was not given to any other man but him. Allah (S. W.T.) describes him in the best manner, Allah says in the Quran, (Surah AI-Mudather, verse 31)

Also Allah has taken the covenant of the people of the Book that they propagate its message, clarify it, and never conceal it. Abu Al-Walid Hisham Ibn Ahmad Al-Faqih narrated to me that Al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad reported that Abu Omar Al-Namri narrated from Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Mu’min who narrated that Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Bakr narrated from Sulaiman Ibn AlAsha’ath who reported from Musa Ibn Ismail who narrated that Hammad narrated from Ali Ibn Al-Hakam who said that A’atta’ said that Abu Huraira (R. A.A.) said that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) said, ’’Anyone who was asked about a knowledge but concealed it, Allah will wrap a belt of fire around his mouth on the day of Judgment.” That is why I began investigating small details from knowledgeable people and tried to give every detail its rightful investigation. I hurried to finish this job because mankind has too many things to do and to worry about. The crisis I am suffering from is making me almost too busy to establish the obligatory and voluntary worship. It is bringing me down to the bottom of a hole. When Allah (S.W.T.) wants to bestow a blessing on a person He will keep him busy with things that are good for his afterlife. In that life there are two things; either the magnificence of eternal bliss or the torture of eternal misery. So, one has to work on himself and to save his soul by a good deed that he always tries to increase and by a beneficial knowledge that he learns and then teaches. May Allah heal the fractures of our hearts, may He forgive our serious sins, and may He make all of our work a reason for us to be ready to meet Him. May He ease the things that save us and make us closer to Him, and may He make us win His Mercy and Bounty.

Thus after I had started working on this book and divided it into chapters and reported all the sources and explained all its details, and I chose its title; The Healing in Identifying the Rights of the Chosen. I divided the book into four parts:

Part One: This part is about the praise by the Almighty and the Most High for the status of this great Prophet; both in his actions and traditions. This part was divided into four chapters.

Chapter 1: This chapter talks about the praise of Allah on him (S.A.W.) and shows his status with Allah, it is divided into ten subchapters.

Chapter 2: This chapter speaks about Allah perfecting the Prophet’s (S.A.W.) virtues both in his manners and appearance. It also talks about attaching all the religious and worldly virtues to his basic character. It is divided into twenty seven subchapters.

Chapter 3: This chapter narrates the truest and most famous traditions about the Prophet’s status with Allah and his ranking. It also talks about what Allah (S. W.T.) has prepared for him from the bounties of both lives. It is divided into twelve subchapters.

Chapter 4: This chapter describes the miracles shown by Allah through the hands of the Prophet (S.A.W.). It talks about the great marvels given to him (S.A.W.). It is divided into thirty subchapters.

Part Two: This part specifies how people should recognize his (S.A.W.) rights on them. It is divided into four chapters.

Chapter 1: This chapter explains how it is an obligation to believe in him and that it is mandatory to obey him (S.A.W.) and to follow his tradition. The chapter consists of five subchapters.

Chapter 2: This chapter shows that it is compulsory to love him and to abide by his rules. It is divided into six subchapters.

Chapter 3; It describes how we should elevate, respect and be faithful to him. It has seven subchapters.

Chapter 4: This chapter explains how to pray on him and why it is an obligation. It has ten subchapters.

Part Three: This part is about what can and cannot be attributed to him (S.A.W.). It makes clear how he can be described and the human attributes that can be illustrated through him; this is the core of the book. The previous chapters are the preface and the introduction to this part. This part is the judge and the reference of what comes after it. This part fulfils the goal of writing this book, and after reading it the chest of the enemy will be filled with envy for this Prophet while the heart of the believer will light up with conviction. The wise person will forever afterwards appreciate the Prophet;

this will be attained with two chapters.

Chapter 1: This chapter is about the religious matters. It explains the infallibility of the Prophet (S. A.W.). It is divided into sixteen subchapters.

Chapter 2: It speaks about the worldly aspects of his (S.A.W.) life like sicknesses or calamities that hit him. It has nineteen subchapters.

Part Four: This part is about the judgment on those who blaspheme him (S.A.W.). This part is divided into two chapters.

Chapter 1: This chapter covers what is considered a blasphemy when mentioning him (S.A.W.). It is divided into ten subchapters.

Chapter 2: This chapter is about the ruling against those who cut him off, harm him, or blaspheme him. It specifies the punishment and the way to repent from blaspheming him (S.A. W.). It also gives the regulations about praying for such criminals and how someone inherits from them. It is divided into ten subchapters.

I have sealed this part with a third chapter that is a completion to this topic and is a connection between the two chapters that precede it that discuss the ruling about those who blaspheme Allah (S. W.T.), His messengers, His angels. His books, and the family of His Prophet (S.A.W.). This subject was summarized into five chapters. Thus the book was finished and the parts and chapters were completed. This book shines with the whiteness of faith, and it is like a jewel on the crown of bibliographies. A jewel that clarifies all doubts and heals the hearts of the believers, and a jewel that shouts loudly the voice of truth and denounces all ignorant beliefs. Finally, from Allah (S.W.T.) alone I ask for help.

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