Human Being
A Distinguished Creature
By Maulana Qari Muhammad Tayyab
First of all I thank Allah Almighty for blessing me with the opportunity to undertake this noble task. At the same time, I express my gratitude to Moulana Muhammad Shakaib Qasmi, the director of Hujjatul-Islam Academy who entrusted the task to me.
Hujjatul- Islam Academy is the research department of Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband. One of the main objectives of the Academy is to translate the books written by the Deobandi scholars into English. The book I was assigned to translate was ‘Insaniyat ka Imtiyaz authored by Hakeemul Islam Maulana Muhammad Tayyab (ra), the ex-rector of Darul Uloom Deoband which, by the grace of Allah, has finished.
Being this my first effort, I do not claim close fidelity to the original. There may be some errors of diction and linguistic shortcomings. The readers are, therefore, humbly requested to be frank in expressing their critical views, so that the flaws be fixed and shortcomings put right in the subsequent editions.
May Allah make this book eminently successful in its noble mission! Ameen!
Muhammad Javed Qasmi
Haque Education & Research Foundation (HERF) Kanpur
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