English Class KG Federal Board
انگلش، کلاس کے جی، فیڈرل بورڈ، ویڈیو لیکچرز
(Total Videos: 219 )
Chapter 1:
Pre-writing Activity
- 1.1: Strokes (pre-writing activity-trace the (1 videos)
Chapter 2:
Letters of the Alphabet (letter rec
Chapter 2: Letters of the Alphabet (letter recognition with pictures a to z) (35 videos)
2.1: Small Letters a to z
- Small a (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Small b (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Small c (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Small a to c
- Small d (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Small e (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Small f (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Small d to f
- Small g (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Small h (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Small I (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Small g to i
- Small j (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Small k (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Small l (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Small j to l
- Small m
- Small n
- Small o
- Exercise-Small m to o
- Small p (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Small q (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Small r (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Small p to r
- Small s (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Small t (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Small u (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Small s to u
- Small v
- Small w
- Small x
- Exercise-Small v to x
- Small y (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Small z (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Small y to z
Chapter 3:
English Alphabet-
Capital and Small
Chapter 3: English Alphabet-Capital and Small Letters with Pictures (Aa-Zz)
(57 videos)
3.1: Capital and Small Letters together( Aa-Zz)
- Capital and Small A-a
- Capital and Small B-b (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small C-c (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Capital and Small Aa-Bb-Cc
- Capital and Small D-d (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small E-e (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small F-f (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small-Exercise-Dd-Ee-Ff
- Capital and Small G-g (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small H-h (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small I-i (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Capital and Small Gg-Hh-Ii
- Capital and Small J-j (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small K-k (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small L-l (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Capital and Small Jj-Kk-Ll
- Capital and Small M-m (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small N-n (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small O-o (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Capital and Small Mm-Nn-Oo
- Capital and Small P-p (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small Q-q (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small R-r (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Capital and Small Pp-Qq-Rr
- Capital and Small S-s (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small T-t (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small U-u (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Capital and Small Ss-Tt-Uu
- Capital and Small V-v (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small W-w (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small X-x (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Capital and Small Vv-Ww-Xx
- Capital and Small Y-y (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Capital and Small Z-z (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-Capital and Small Yy-Zz
- More on Letters of the Alphabet Aa-Ff (pictures/names/practice)
- More on Letters of the Alphabet Gg-Ll (pictures/names/practice)
- More on Letters of the Alphabet Mm-Ss (pictures/names/practice)
- More on Letters of the Alphabet Tt-Zz (pictures/names/practice)
- More on Letters of the Alphabet Sindh-1 (pictures/names/practice)
- More on Letters of the Alphabet Sindh-2 (pictures/names/practice)
- More on Letters of the Alphabet Sindh-3 (pictures/names/practice)
- More on Letters of the Alphabet KP&B-Aa-Ii (pictures/names/practice)
- More on Letters of the Alphabet KP&B-Jj-Pp (pictures/names/practice)
- More on Letters of the Alphabet KP&B-Qq-Tt (pictures/names/practice)
- More on Letters of the Alphabet KP&B-Uu-Zz (pictures/names/practice)
3.2: Complete English Alphabet Aa-Zz
- Complete English Alphabet A to Z-Capital
- Complete English Alphabet a to z-Small
- Complete English Alphabet Song
- Exercise-Complete English Alphabet A to Z
- ABC Song
3.3: Listen and Repeat (pictures of objects)
3.4: Things We See Around (car, bus, bat, ball etc.)
3.5: Look and Say (Names of Objects)
Chapter 4:
Sounds of the Letters of the Alphab
- Chapter 4: Sounds of the Letters of the Alphabet (Aa-Zz) (18 videos)
4.1: Sounds of the Letters (Aa to Zz)
- Sounds of Letters Aa-Bb-Cc (pictures/names/practice)
- Exercise-Sounds of Letters Aa-Bb-Cc
- Sounds of Letters Dd-Ee-Ff (pictures/names/practice)
- Exercise-Sounds of Letters Dd-Ee-Ff
- Sounds of Letters Gg-Hh-Ii (pictures/names/practice)
- Exercise-Sounds of Letters Gg-Hh-Ii
- Sounds of Letters Jj-Kk-Ll (pictures/names/practice)
- Exercise-Sounds of Letters Jj-Kk-Ll
- Sounds of Letters Mm-Nn-Oo (pictures/names/practice)
- Exercise-Sounds of Letters Mm-Nn-Oo
- Sounds of Letters Pp-Qq-Rr (pictures/names/practice)
- Exercise-Sounds of Letters Pp-Qq-Rr
- Sounds of Letters Ss-Tt-Uu (pictures/names/practice)
- Exercise-Sounds of Letters Ss-Tt-Uu
- Sounds of Letters Vv-Ww-Xx (pictures/names/practice)
- Exercise-Sounds of Letters Vv-Ww-Xx
- Sounds of Letters yy-Zz (pictures/names/practice)
- Exercise-Sounds of Letters yy-Zz
Chapter 5:
Vowels (a-e-i-o-u/sounds)
Chapter 5: Vowels (a-e-i-o-u/sounds) (7 videos)
5.1: Vowels (a-e-i-o-u/sounds)
Chapter 6:
Two/Three Letter Blends with Sounds
Chapter 6: Two/Three Letter Blends with Sounds/Sight Words (15 videos)
6.1: Two Letter Blends-at, ig, ut, en, ed, ub, um, un, op, ot etc.
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-a (a+t = at etc)
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-e (e+n = en etc)
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-i (i+g = ig etc)
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-o (o+t = ot etc)
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-u (u+n = un etc)
6.2: Listen, Say and Circle the Sight Words (I, am, at, have etc.)
- Sight Words-am, an, etc
- Sight Words-get, give, etc
- Sight Words-has, have, etc
- Sight Words-I, in, is, etc
- Sight Words-no, not, of, etc
- Sight Words-that, the, etc
6.3: Letter Blends with Sounds (three letter words. cat, big, hog, hug etc.)
- Three Letter Blends-cat, bat, etc
- Three Letter Blends-big, fin, etc
- Three Letter Blends-dog, hog, etc
- Three Letter Blends-bug, hug, etc
Chapter 7:
Three Letter Words with Sounds
(Bun, mug, hut etc.) (21 videos)
7.1: Three Letter Words with Sounds (Bun, mug, hut etc.)
- 3Letter Words-pan, bun,tap (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-3 Letter Words-pan, bun,tap
- 3 letter Words-mug, bib, bed (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-3 Letter Words-mug, bib, bed
- 3 letter Words-cap, net, pin (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-3 Letter Words-cap, net, pin
- 3 letter Words-cat, hut, man (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-3 Letter Words-cat, hut, man
- 3 letter Words-rat, sun, bat (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
- Exercise-3 letter Words-rat, sun, bat
- Exercise-3 Letter Words-Fill the Last Two Letters
- More on Exercise-3 Letter Words-Fill Last Two Letters
- Exercise-3 letter words-Fill the First Letter
- Exercise-3 Letter words-Fill the Middle Letter
- More on Exercise-3 letter words-Fill the Middle Letter
- Exercise-3 Letter words-Fill the Last Letter
- More on Exercise-3 Letter Words-Fill the Last Letter
- More on Ex-3 Letter Words-Complete Sentence-pen-cat
- More on Exercise-3 Letter Words-Complete Sentence-rat,hen
- More on Exercise-3 Letter Words-Complete Sentence-top,bag
- More on Exercise-3 Letter Words-Complete Sentence-cap, bun
Chapter 8:
Singular and Plural
(Book-Books, Tree-Trees etc.)
(6 videos)
8.1: Singular and Plural (Book-Books, Tree-Trees etc.)
- Singular and Plural (one and more than one things)
- Exercise-Singular and Plural (one and more than one things)
- Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
- More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
- Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
- More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
Chapter 9:
Words/Opposites (hot-cold, short-long etc.)
(7 videos)
9.1: Words/Opposites (hot-cold, short-long etc.)
- Opposites (hot-cold, short-long etc)
- Exercise Opposites-Join Word to Picture
- Exercise Opposites-Fill in the Blanks
- More on Exercise Opposites-Fill in the Blanks
9.2: Describing Words (adjectives-opposites-big/small etc.)
9.3: Asim Wants a Cap (story)
Chapter 10:
Revision Exercises for Capital and Small Letters( Aa-Zz)
(7 videos)
10.1: Look at the Picture and Write Small or Capital Letters (Aa-Zz)
- Revision Exercise-Capital and Small Letters-A to G
- Revision Exercise-Capital and Small Letters-H to N
- Revision Exercise-Capital and Small Letters-O to U
- Revision Exercise-Capital and Small Letters-V to Z
10.2: Write the Initial Small Letter by Guessing the Sound
10.3: Write the Ending Letter for the Last Sound
Chapter 11:
Letter Blends with Sounds
(four letter words: Cage, mute, rain etc.)
(7 videos)
11.1: Letter Blends with Sounds (four letter words)
- Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-rate etc
- More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-cage etc
- More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-mute etc
- Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-rain etc
- More on Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-keen etc
- Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-bees etc
- More on Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-seat etc
Chapter 12:
Rhyming Words (3/4 letter words ending with same sound)
(14 videos)
12.1: Three Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in/at/ut/ot/en/ar)
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in)
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with at)
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ut)
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ot)
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with en)
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ar)
12.2: Four Letter Rhyming Words (Ending with ake/ock/ook/ing)
- 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
- Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
- 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
- Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
- 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
- Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
- 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
- Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
Chapter 13:
Diagraphs/Common Blends
( words with ch/sh/ph/th sounds)
(3 videos)
13.1: Diagraphs/Common Blends ( words with ch/sh/ph/th sounds)
- Ch and ph sounds with Pictures
- ph and th sounds with Pictures
- Exercise-ch-sh-ph-th Sounds with Pictures
13.2: Diagraphs/Common Blends ( words ending with ch/sh/ph/th sounds)
Chapter 14:
Initial/Final Blends
( starting/ending-cr, dr etc. sounds )
(5 videos)
14.1: Initial Blends (two starting letters make one sound-cr/dr etc.)
- Initial Blends (words starting with cr, dr, gr)
- Initial Blends (words starting with fr, tr, pl, fl)
- Initial Blends-mixed (words starting with cr,dr,gr,fr,tr,pl,fl)
14.2: Final Blends (two ending letters make one sound-og/ag/ow)
Chapter 15:
The Use of a and an (a book, an elephant)
(3 videos)
15.1: The Use of a and an (a book, an elephant)
Chapter 16:
Syllables (one and two syllable words)
(3 videos)
16.1: One Syllable Words (words with one sound beat-corn, nest etc.)
16.2: Two Syllable Words (words with two sound beats-but/ter etc.)
Chapter 17:
Sentences- Use of This That/ These Those (10 videos)
17.1: Use of This and That (Sentences)
- This (sentences)
- More on This (sentences)
- That (sentences)
- More on That (sentences)
- Use An with This
- Use of an with That (sentences)
17.2: Use of These and Those (Sentences)
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