English Class KG Federal Board

English Class KG Federal Board

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English Class KG Federal Board

انگلش، کلاس کے جی، فیڈرل بورڈ،  ویڈیو لیکچرز

 (Total Videos: 219 )

 Chapter 1: 
Pre-writing Activity
    • 1.1: Strokes (pre-writing activity-trace the (1)
  1. Strokes (Trace the lines)

Chapter 3: 
English Alphabet-
Capital and Small
  • Chapter 3: English Alphabet-Capital and Small Letters with Pictures (Aa-Zz)
  • (57 videos)
3.1: Capital and Small Letters together( Aa-Zz)
  1. Capital and Small A-a
  2. Capital and Small B-b (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  3. Capital and Small C-c (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  4. Exercise-Capital and Small Aa-Bb-Cc
  5. Capital and Small D-d (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  6. Capital and Small E-e (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  7. Capital and Small F-f (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  8. Capital and Small-Exercise-Dd-Ee-Ff
  9. Capital and Small G-g (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  10. Capital and Small H-h (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  11. Capital and Small I-i (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  12. Exercise-Capital and Small Gg-Hh-Ii
  13. Capital and Small J-j (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  14. Capital and Small K-k (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  15. Capital and Small L-l (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  16. Exercise-Capital and Small Jj-Kk-Ll
  17. Capital and Small M-m (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  18. Capital and Small N-n (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  19. Capital and Small O-o (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  20. Exercise-Capital and Small Mm-Nn-Oo
  21. Capital and Small P-p (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  22. Capital and Small Q-q (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  23. Capital and Small R-r (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  24. Exercise-Capital and Small Pp-Qq-Rr
  25. Capital and Small S-s (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  26. Capital and Small T-t (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  27. Capital and Small U-u (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  28. Exercise-Capital and Small Ss-Tt-Uu
  29. Capital and Small V-v (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  30. Capital and Small W-w (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  31. Capital and Small X-x (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  32. Exercise-Capital and Small Vv-Ww-Xx
  33. Capital and Small Y-y (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  34. Capital and Small Z-z (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  35. Exercise-Capital and Small Yy-Zz
  36. More on Letters of the Alphabet Aa-Ff (pictures/names/practice)
  37. More on Letters of the Alphabet Gg-Ll (pictures/names/practice)
  38. More on Letters of the Alphabet Mm-Ss (pictures/names/practice)
  39. More on Letters of the Alphabet Tt-Zz (pictures/names/practice)
  40. More on Letters of the Alphabet Sindh-1 (pictures/names/practice)
  41. More on Letters of the Alphabet Sindh-2 (pictures/names/practice)
  42. More on Letters of the Alphabet Sindh-3 (pictures/names/practice)
  43. More on Letters of the Alphabet KP&B-Aa-Ii (pictures/names/practice)
  44. More on Letters of the Alphabet KP&B-Jj-Pp (pictures/names/practice)
  45. More on Letters of the Alphabet KP&B-Qq-Tt (pictures/names/practice)
  46. More on Letters of the Alphabet KP&B-Uu-Zz (pictures/names/practice)
3.2: Complete English Alphabet Aa-Zz
  1. Complete English Alphabet A to Z-Capital
  2. Complete English Alphabet a to z-Small
  3. Complete English Alphabet Song
  4. Exercise-Complete English Alphabet A to Z
  5. ABC Song
3.3: Listen and Repeat (pictures of objects)
  1. Listen and Repeat (pictures of objects)
  2. More on Listen and Repeat (pictures of objects)
3.4: Things We See Around (car, bus, bat, ball etc.)
  1. Things We See Around (pictures of objects)
3.5: Look and Say (Names of Objects)
  1. Look and Say (pictures of objects)
  2. Objects-Things Around Me (pictures with names)
  3. Things (pictures of objects with names)

Chapter 4: 
Sounds of the Letters of the Alphab

Chapter 6: 
Two/Three Letter Blends with Sounds
Chapter 6: Two/Three Letter Blends with Sounds/Sight Words (15 videos)
6.1: Two Letter Blends-at, ig, ut, en, ed, ub, um, un, op, ot etc.
  1. Two Letter Blends with Letter-a (a+t = at etc)
  2. Two Letter Blends with Letter-e (e+n = en etc)
  3. Two Letter Blends with Letter-i (i+g = ig etc)
  4. Two Letter Blends with Letter-o (o+t = ot etc)
  5. Two Letter Blends with Letter-u (u+n = un etc)
6.2: Listen, Say and Circle the Sight Words (I, am, at, have etc.)
  1. Sight Words-am, an, etc
  2. Sight Words-get, give, etc
  3. Sight Words-has, have, etc
  4. Sight Words-I, in, is, etc
  5. Sight Words-no, not, of, etc
  6. Sight Words-that, the, etc
6.3: Letter Blends with Sounds (three letter words. cat, big, hog, hug etc.)
  1. Three Letter Blends-cat, bat, etc
  2. Three Letter Blends-big, fin, etc
  3. Three Letter Blends-dog, hog, etc
  4. Three Letter Blends-bug, hug, etc

Chapter 8:
Singular and Plural
(Book-Books, Tree-Trees etc.)
(6 videos)
8.1: Singular and Plural (Book-Books, Tree-Trees etc.)
  1. Singular and Plural (one and more than one things)
  2. Exercise-Singular and Plural (one and more than one things)
  3. Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
  4. More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
  5. Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
  6. More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound

Chapter 9:
Words/Opposites (hot-cold, short-long etc.)
(7 videos)
9.1: Words/Opposites (hot-cold, short-long etc.)
  1. Opposites (hot-cold, short-long etc)
  2. Exercise Opposites-Join Word to Picture
  3. Exercise Opposites-Fill in the Blanks
  4. More on Exercise Opposites-Fill in the Blanks
9.2: Describing Words (adjectives-opposites-big/small etc.)
  1. Describing Words-Opposites
  2. Exercise-Describing Words-Opposites (tall/short, big/small etc)
9.3: Asim Wants a Cap (story)
  1. Asim Wants a Cap (Story/Opposites: tall/short, big/small etc)

Chapter 10:
Revision Exercises for Capital and Small Letters( Aa-Zz)
(7 videos)
10.1: Look at the Picture and Write Small or Capital Letters (Aa-Zz)
  1. Revision Exercise-Capital and Small Letters-A to G
  2. Revision Exercise-Capital and Small Letters-H to N
  3. Revision Exercise-Capital and Small Letters-O to U
  4. Revision Exercise-Capital and Small Letters-V to Z
10.2: Write the Initial Small Letter by Guessing the Sound
  1. Revision Exercise-Letter for Beginning Sound
10.3: Write the Ending Letter for the Last Sound
  1. Revision Exercise-Ending Letter-Duck etc
  2. Revision Exercise-Letter for Ending Sound (mango-o etc)

Chapter 13:
Diagraphs/Common Blends
( words with ch/sh/ph/th sounds)
(3 videos)
13.1: Diagraphs/Common Blends ( words with ch/sh/ph/th sounds)
  1. Ch and ph sounds with Pictures
  2. ph and th sounds with Pictures
  3. Exercise-ch-sh-ph-th Sounds with Pictures
13.2: Diagraphs/Common Blends ( words ending with ch/sh/ph/th sounds)
  1. Ending ch sh th Sounds with Pictures

Chapter 14:
Initial/Final Blends
( starting/ending-cr, dr etc. sounds )
(5 videos)
14.1: Initial Blends (two starting letters make one sound-cr/dr etc.)
  1. Initial Blends (words starting with cr, dr, gr)
  2. Initial Blends (words starting with fr, tr, pl, fl)
  3. Initial Blends-mixed (words starting with cr,dr,gr,fr,tr,pl,fl)
14.2: Final Blends (two ending letters make one sound-og/ag/ow)
  1. Final Blends-og, ag
  2. Final Blends-mixed og, ag, ow

Chapter 15:
The Use of a and an (a book, an elephant)
(3 videos)
15.1: The Use of a and an (a book, an elephant)
  1. The Use of A and An
  2. Exercise-The Use of A and An
  3. More on Exercise-The Use of A and An

 Chapter 16:
Syllables (one and two syllable words)
(3 videos)
16.1: One Syllable Words (words with one sound beat-corn, nest etc.)
  1. One Syllable Words (corn, nest etc)
16.2: Two Syllable Words (words with two sound beats-but/ter etc.)
  1. Two Syllable Words-but/ter, san/dal etc
  2. Two Syllable Words-can/dle, ti/ger etc

Chapter 17:
Sentences- Use of This That/ These Those (10 videos)
17.1: Use of This and That (Sentences)
  1. This (sentences)
  2. More on This (sentences)
  3. That (sentences)
  4. More on That (sentences)
  5. Use An with This
  6. Use of an with That (sentences)
17.2: Use of These and Those (Sentences)
  1. These (sentences)
  2. More on These
  3. Those (sentences)
  4. More on Those (sentences)

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